Sunday, October 8, 2023


 Meditation for Monday of the Twenty-Seventh Week in Ordinary Time
(Jonah 1:1-17; 2:1, 10; Lk 10:25-37)

Think about how Jonah, a prophet of God, ever thought he could run from the presence of God. It is interesting and surprising that a messenger of God like him, still needed to be taught that God is everywhere. Jonah was overwhelmed emotionally at the thought of doing good to their enemies by bringing the good news of repentance to them. This is usually the case when the man of faith has to confront overwhelming life challenges, such as sickness, poverty, death, etc. But the journey ‘away from God’ does not reduce the difficulties, rather they multiply. Jonah learnt through the hard way that God is not just everywhere, but He is equally present in the darkest moment of his life, for God heard him when he prayed from the belly of the fish!

Jonah learnt, and found God anew where He least expected it. In human terms, we can liken Jonah’s experience to that of the man beaten by robbers, who found a neighbor where he least expected it, i.e., in the hands of the good Samaritan, who was a foreigner. His own priest, and his brother, a Levite, saw him helpless but passed by on the other side. But the good Samaritan attended to him, paid for his treatment, deposited two denarii for his onward treatment, and promised to come back, passing through that way again to make up for anything that might be lacking for his wholesome recovery. So, the good Samaritan would not stop loving until the wounded man is perfectly restored!


Yes, Jonah’s experience has made us realize that God is ever-present, even in the confusion and darkness of our lives. And his three days journey beneath the belly of the fish reminds us of Jesus’ resurrection after three days in the grave. Jesus is ‘God among us’, who brings to us that divine love that heals, pays our debt of sin, leaves behind the deposits of the means of saving grace in the sacraments, and He promised to come back for our eternal perfection. How can we run from His presence? (Cf. Ps 139:7-12). No matter how overwhelmed life challenges may be at the moment, or we might feel beaten and wounded by temptation and troubles of life, let us call on Jesus, just as Jonah did from the belly of the fish, He is ever-present, and His love is endless. Amen.


Fr Jude Chinwenwa Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R

Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church,

Tedi-Muwo, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria.

Monday October 9, 2023.