for 24th Week in Ordinary Time Year I
3:1-13; Lk 7:11-17)
St Paul instructs
the young man Timothy about the moral standard of those to occupy the offices
of Bishop and Deaconate. These are not common Church posts, and must not be
occupied by new converts or people with questionable character. They must be
people of discipline and high moral standard. In other words, such religious
leaders must be marked with the sign of
the cross. Only those who carry their Cross with Jesus can lead others on
the path of the cross to meet Jesus.

In any case, there are usually great crowd of mourners who ‘celebrate’ our hopeless, trying to give us courage to stay put and accept the hopeless situation. Thus the crowd accompanied the woman out of the city. Then they met Jesus at the gate! Without invitation, He was moved to compassion. He saw the hopelessness of the woman, who was so devastated that she could not even ask for help! This usually the case when one feels all hope is lost. Jesus stopped the procession and said, “Young man, I say to you arise.” The boy was restored to life immediately...Encountering Jesus at the gate changed the whole situation.
Hope is restored,
but only when we meet Jesus. He has opened for us a permanent gate where surely we will meet Him. That
gate is the Cross! There His compassion awaits us. The Cross is the gate where
we enter and hope is restored, no matter the situation. That is the only place
where hope of life is restored in death. Therefore, the Bishops, priests,
deacons, etc who lead us in the procession
of faith to encounter Jesus at the gate must be men of the Cross.
Fr Jude Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church
Tedi-Muwo, Lagos.
Tuesday September 17th, 2019.
Fr Jude Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church
Tedi-Muwo, Lagos.
Tuesday September 17th, 2019.