Thursday, April 4, 2019


Reflection for Thursday of the 4th Week of Lent
(Ex 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47)
Today we hear about the great betrayal, when the Israelites denied God and worshipped the golden calf. After all the signs and wonders God did to deliver them, they could not exercise patience till Moses returned. The most annoying thing is that they transferred the glory and praise due to God to an idol. The testimony of man is short-lived...!

Image result for Jesus argues with the JewsIn the Gospel, Jesus emphasized that the testimony that inspires His works does not emanate from man. The Pharisees thought human witness and acclamation was necessary to prove the ministry of Jesus. But He explained that He relied only on the Father’s testimony. The testimony of the Father for Jesus is sufficient and necessary. It is within the Father’s testimony that Jesus carried out miracles and exercised His ministry.

Secondly, Jesus emphasized within today’s discuss that the Scriptures testify for Him. Thus, those who can accept and witness to Christ Jesus are those who have the love of God in them, and accept the revelation of Scripture. Actually, the work of Christ Jesus is to testify for the Father who had already testified for Him, and to fulfill the Scripture that bore Him witness. So how can such a work, like the healing of the man at the Sheep Pool on the Sabbath, be an offence against God!

As we trace the unfolding journey towards the Cross, we must apply our Lenten observances to deepen our love for God and the Scriptures. It is there we find the enduring testimony in Christ Jesus in which we are called to participate. Love of God and the Scriptures motivate us aright for right action. Human testimony—praise and popular acclamation—even from our most intimate friends or relations, cannot stand the test of time, and is open to all sorts of idolatry.

Let our words and actions be rightly motivated that we might witness to Him who witness for us, even on the Cross.

Fr Jude Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church,
Tedi-Muwo. Lagos.
4th April, 2019.
My Birthday