Monday, December 5, 2022


 Meditation for Monday of the Second Week of Advent
(Is 35:1-10; Lk 5:17-26)

 In our meditation today, we hear the prophet Isaiah addressing the dry land and the desert. Often the word of God is portrayed as coming like rain drops to overcome the dryness of the desert (Deut 32:2; Is 55:10). Dry land is discomforting, and does not support vegetation. Thirst and hunger are associated with it since there is no water there. In addition, it is not habitable, and as such, there are no roadways there. The dry land is symbolic of a life of sin or a life without divine grace. Such life is usually “dry”, “Empty” and full of discomforting obstacles. But the prophet addresses the word of God to the dry land, and announces the good news.

“The desert shall rejoice and blossom.” The dry land shall be fruitful again; the weak shall be strengthened, the fearful shall be courageous. There shall healing for the infirm, “For waters shall break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert.” And there shall be a highway there, which shall be called the ‘Holy Way’, the unclean shall not pass over it. The beautiful words of Isaiah dispel the dryness of the desert, and the new and enriching look of the wilderness manifest the transforming power of God.

In our meditation, we see how this transforming power of God takes a living presence among us in Christ Jesus. The Gospel says as Jesus was teaching, “The power of the Lord was with Him to heal.” This is the power that can transform dryness to fruitfulness, sin to righteousness, and sickness to health. The friends of the paralyzed man were attracted in faith by the healing power of Jesus. First, Jesus spoke to him saying, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.” After the Pharisees complained, He addressed the paralytic saying, “I say to you, rise, take up your bed and go home.”

Just as Isaiah addressed the word of God to dry lands that streams may break forth in them, so did Jesus speak to the paralyzed man and his sickness transformed to health. Pause and meditate on this transforming power of Jesus. See how He makes such opportunities available to us in faith like a highway of holiness in the desert of sin. So, we move forward in faith, and lay before Him our ‘dryness’ that He may speak to them gracious springs life gush forth upon us. Amen.

Fr Jude Chinwenwa Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R

Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church,

Tedi-Muwo, Lagos.

Monday December 5, 2022.