Reflection for Christmas

Our Celebration
The annual celebration of the birth of Our Lord
Jesus Christ is such a great event that keeps the end of every calendar bubbling
with freshness. “The Word became flesh and lived among us, and we saw His
glory, the glory that He has from the Father as the only son of the Father,
full of grace and truth” (Jn 1:14). Our celebration today, with its glamour and
excitement, is a testimony of this ‘taste’ of Jesus’ glory we have experienced
but yearns for more... All the messianic prophecy, and our advent celebration,
now disappear into this one joy that ‘God-is-with-us.’
Whom we Celebrate
This is a mystery but a reality in our eyes! It
summons us to silence that we might behold his presence within us and break
forth with joy, for He comes to comfort and redeem His people (cf. Is 52:9). God
who is outside of time and above all time, today has become the Master of our
time, ‘The Beginning’ of everything that has ‘Being’, everything that exists. “Not
one thing came into being except through Him” (Jn 1:3). Thus, whatever has
value for life flows from Christ Jesus. Today we joyfully celebrate because He
who is the source of life is now among us. “What has come into being in him was
life, life that was the light of men” (Jn 1:4). What a supra-abundance of life we have in Jesus. God has given ‘His
final Word’ in Jesus Christ (Cf. Heb 1:1-6).
Who Celebrates
At Bethlehem, in the manger, we see Baby Jesus
wrapped in swaddling clothes (Lk 2:7). The cold dark and silent place had no
beauty for humans but reserved its comfort for animals. But there lay the King,
almost having no space in humanity. Mary and Joseph welcomed the Baby with awe
and admiration as Angels broke the silence of the night with joyful acclamation.
While the Angels appeared to the shepherds, the Magi went to the glamorous
palace of Herod. The proud and ambitious Herod had no place for Jesus, just
like the busy and flushing Inns at Bethlehem. The shepherd followed the path
given by the faith-laden angelic message to pay homage (Lk 2: 15-20), while the
Magi, with lots of common sense, followed the insight given in nature to pay
homage (Mt 2: 1-12).
‘Bethlehem’, the city of David, was the least
among the clans of Judea (Mt 2:6). Mary described herself as the lowly handmaid
of the Lord (cf. Lk 1:38). Joseph was popular for being a mere carpenter (Mt
13:55). The simple birth of Jesus was the greatest and sanctifying moment in
human history. And the simple hearts welcomed Him. Those truly celebrate and
make room for Jesus as He comes must be humble. He comes anew but in humble
Today as we bend in silence and gaze on the
crib, we contemplate the lowly place where Jesus Christ chose to be born. And
let our hearts be so simple, available, and containing no beauty of its own
except the beauty of the glory of Jesus within it.
Happy Christmas!!!
Fr Jude Chinwenwa Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church,
Tedi-Muwo, Lagos.
Wednesday 25th December,
Christmas Day.