Saturday, June 15, 2019


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(Reflection for Trinity Sunday)
   “The Trinity is One. We do not confess three Gods, but one God in three persons, the ‘Consubstantial Trinity’” (CCC 253). God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is one God but in the three persons. In the Old Testament God addressed Himself in plural (Gen 1:26; Gen 11:7, Is 9:5-6). Jesus Himself based His teachings on the Three Persons in one God (Mat 28:19; Lk 3:22; Jn 1:1,14; Jn 10:30), and the writings of the apostles throw more light to this Mystery (Col 1:16-17, Col 2:9,  1 Pet 1:1-2, Eph 4:3-6). But here we are today, not explain or argue about it, but to celebrate the Trinity.

God, in His Trinity of Persons, is all round perfection in Himself. So He alone exists of Himself. He is perfect love; perfect unity...Our love and worship adds nothing to His greatness! However, He freely wills to communicate His life and glory with us. He made us in His own image and likeness. Such is the plan of His loving kindness, conceived by the Father before the foundation of the world, in His beloved Son: He destined us in love to be His sons and daughters, and to be conformed to the image of His Son, through the Spirit of sonship (Eph 1:5; Rm 8:15,29).    

Therefore, the mystery of the Holy Trinity is the highest of all mysteries; the source and end of all mysteries! It is like a closed and open door... “closed” since God is complete in Himself and cannot be penetrated upon by human mind. “Open”, since God has come to dwell among us in Jesus Christ, we can know Him through His self-communication. Thus this mystery draws us to contemplation...

But as the heart and mind climb the height of contemplation in deep silence, there seems to be a tick cloud of unknowing on the way. The Trinity is also the end of contemplation. Before the Trinity, words are not enough; powers surrender. Before the Trinity, silence finds words but speaks no more! Still, only faith has the final word, and supplies that which the mind cannot understand.

God is Trinity of Persons. If not, we would have a God that is dependent on his creatures, and who ends up being a burden on his worshipers! So we celebrate today that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Eternal Godhead is perfect relationship; perfect love, unity and peace. This is what He shares with us. And this is our inherent makeup. What the Trinity communicates to us we return to Him in worship, and we equally share with one another in companionship.

Fr Jude Nwachukw, C.Ss.R
Sts Peter & Paul Catholic Church,
Tedi-Muwo, Lagos.
Sunday 16th June,  2019.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.