for Monday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
4:1-15,25; Mk8:11-13)
Let us meditate on the story of Cain and Abel. Greed and
jealousy are like Siamese twins; you cannot have one without the other. Cain
was a farmer, while Abel was a shepherd. Abel was generous to the Lord, and
offered “The firstlings of his flock and their fat portions.” On the other hand,
Cain kept for himself the best of his produce. His greed caught up with him
when he realized that the Lord found favor with Abel’s generosity, ‘but for Cain
and his offering, He had no regard.’ “So, Cain was very angry, and his
countenance fell.” His greed has matured into jealousy! His jealousy over Abel razed like unquenchable
Greed germinates from the hidden desire to have the better
things of life over and above others. It is such a disposition that
perceives possession as competition, and it is always striving to be ahead. The
greed of Cain became obvious as he locked up his heart in the best of his farm
produce, while his younger brother, Abel, offered up his heart to God through the
generous offering of the best of his flock. As greed cannot be satisfied, it excuses
itself and expresses its frustration in jealousy. Greed and jealousy are
self-contradictory. Cain was angry at his brother for being favored. But it was
not Abel that denied him favor. His own greedy choice was his undoing. Jealousy
is always bloodthirsty and vengeful against the innocent.
“And when they were in the field, Cain rose against his
brother Abel, and killed him.” This is always the case when we listen to an angry voice of jealousy against those who possess the good things we aspire
to. Unfortunately, the effort to pull them down, to kill their vision or
success brings more destruction to the jealous man. As Jesus entered the boat
and quietly left the Pharisees behind, so does grace and favor evaporate from
hearts soaked in greed and jealousy. Unlike the Pharisees, who came to argue with Jesus, we listen to Him and welcome Him in our hearts. The joyful
presence of the Lord sets us free from the bondage of greed and jealousy. With
Jesus we learn detachment and generosity, which helps us to appreciate the
little gifts of life. Then, our prayers and offerings will be pleasing to the
Lord like the sacrifice of Abel. Amen.
Fr Jude Chinwenwa Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church,
Tedi-Muwo, Ojo, Lagos.
Monday, February 13th, 2023.