Meditation for Tuesday
of the First Week in Ordinary Time, Year B
(Heb 2:5-12; Mk
“What is man that you are mindful of
him, or the son of man that you care for him?” The letter to the Hebrews
today meditates on the greatness and beauty of the human person. He is so great
that God subjected the whole creation under him, and made him a little lower
than angels. “You have crowned him with glory and honour, putting everything in
subjection under his feet.” But when we look at human beings and the conditions
of their existence, the author of the Letter frowns that we do not see man in
total control of everything!
“But we see Jesus, who for a while was made lower than angels, crowned with glory and honour because of the suffering and death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone.” Thus, the greatness, beauty and glory of the human person shine out in Jesus, who is the pioneer of our salvation. So where human wretchedness tends to diminish or cover up the crown of glory God placed on man, Jesus stands out to sanctify and perfect humanity through His suffering. “Thus, we shall become the perfect man, upon reaching maturity, and sharing the fullness of Christ” (Eph 4:13). Jesus has become the first among many brothers and sisters (Rm 8:29). “That is why He is not ashamed to call them brethren...”
Hence, Jesus stood among His people in the synagogue, but the authority of His teaching arrested the attention of the crowd! Evil spirits who tried to oppose Him could not withstand His power. Instead, the people marveled the more at His authority, and His fame spread everywhere. Thus, Jesus becomes the REASON God is mindful of us and cares for us! If we look towards Him and surrender to His authority, the greatness, beauty and glory God bestowed on us since creation will shine out. Amen.
Saints Peter & Paul Catholic
Tedi-Muwo, Lagos.
Tuesday, January 12th,