In his address to my fellow youth in Pacaembu, Brazil, the holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, decries what he called “lost youth,” which results from the many physical and moral violence youths face today, not only in Brazil but all over the world.
But the holy Father is optimistic and has lots of encouraging messages for us all. He drew his inspiring message from the Gospel story of the rich young man who came to ask Jesus what he must do to possess eternal life. According to Pope Benedict XVI, the question of this young man represents a quest for authenticity of life; “the issue of life’s meaning” or the secret of good living. When we reflect on this, we discover that “life” transcends the confines of space and time—it is eternal and “we must apply ourselves to reach it.” How can this be done?
The Pope responds, “Jesus alone can give us the answer, because he alone can guarantee us eternal life. He alone, therefore can show us the meaning of this present life and give it fullness.” So, we must realize that Jesus is a good teacher—the truth, the way and the life—He has answers on the secret of a happy life. When we recognize deeply that Jesus is good, we love Him. “And whoever loves…knows God…To be open to goodness means to receive God.”
However, the Pope says, “To understand what is good, we need help.” Here lies one of the importances of the Commandments. The Commandments lead to life, which means they guarantee our authenticity.” We must hear witness to them by our way of life. They are basic principles of authentic living. Therefore, “the Commandments are not imposed upon us from without, they do not diminish our freedom…They are strong incentives leading us to act in a certain way.”
They holy Father wants us to have experience of goodness, and therefore, of God by keeping the commandments. In this way, we will be free and responsible. This may require making new decisions. We must be promoters of life in all its stages, protect the elderly, work diligently, and avoid excessive ambition for wealth and power. Above all, we must decide to have great respect for the boundaries of marriage. Prophetically, the Pope says, “God calls you to respect one another when you fall in love and become engaged, since conjugal life, reserved by divine ordinance to married couples, will bring happiness and peace only to the extent that you are able to build your future hopes upon chastity, both within and outside marriage.” In the midst of growing affluence, the Pontiff prays that young people, guided by the Holy Spirit, may decide to choose priestly and vocations.
According to the Pope, when we reject the invitation to participate in the saving mission of Christ, the invitation to leave off our treasure and pleasure to follow Christ intimately, the invitation to experience goodness, we cannot but be saddened like the rich young man in the Gospel. Further, when we go to the good Teacher to overcome “lost youth,” to receive authentic life, we must be courageous at the moment of the “the great decision” when we must wedge everything on Christ.
We cannot experience happiness or authentic living if our decisions waver and become cowardly and self-seeking or if we lack generosity. Therefore, the Pope appeals: “Do not waste your youth. Do not seek to escape from it. Live it intensely. Consecrate it to the high ideals of faith and human solidarity.”
Jude Chinwenwa Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
21/05/07 (This is a summary of the address Benedict XVI gave on 10/05/07 in Brazil)
But the holy Father is optimistic and has lots of encouraging messages for us all. He drew his inspiring message from the Gospel story of the rich young man who came to ask Jesus what he must do to possess eternal life. According to Pope Benedict XVI, the question of this young man represents a quest for authenticity of life; “the issue of life’s meaning” or the secret of good living. When we reflect on this, we discover that “life” transcends the confines of space and time—it is eternal and “we must apply ourselves to reach it.” How can this be done?
The Pope responds, “Jesus alone can give us the answer, because he alone can guarantee us eternal life. He alone, therefore can show us the meaning of this present life and give it fullness.” So, we must realize that Jesus is a good teacher—the truth, the way and the life—He has answers on the secret of a happy life. When we recognize deeply that Jesus is good, we love Him. “And whoever loves…knows God…To be open to goodness means to receive God.”
However, the Pope says, “To understand what is good, we need help.” Here lies one of the importances of the Commandments. The Commandments lead to life, which means they guarantee our authenticity.” We must hear witness to them by our way of life. They are basic principles of authentic living. Therefore, “the Commandments are not imposed upon us from without, they do not diminish our freedom…They are strong incentives leading us to act in a certain way.”
They holy Father wants us to have experience of goodness, and therefore, of God by keeping the commandments. In this way, we will be free and responsible. This may require making new decisions. We must be promoters of life in all its stages, protect the elderly, work diligently, and avoid excessive ambition for wealth and power. Above all, we must decide to have great respect for the boundaries of marriage. Prophetically, the Pope says, “God calls you to respect one another when you fall in love and become engaged, since conjugal life, reserved by divine ordinance to married couples, will bring happiness and peace only to the extent that you are able to build your future hopes upon chastity, both within and outside marriage.” In the midst of growing affluence, the Pontiff prays that young people, guided by the Holy Spirit, may decide to choose priestly and vocations.
According to the Pope, when we reject the invitation to participate in the saving mission of Christ, the invitation to leave off our treasure and pleasure to follow Christ intimately, the invitation to experience goodness, we cannot but be saddened like the rich young man in the Gospel. Further, when we go to the good Teacher to overcome “lost youth,” to receive authentic life, we must be courageous at the moment of the “the great decision” when we must wedge everything on Christ.
We cannot experience happiness or authentic living if our decisions waver and become cowardly and self-seeking or if we lack generosity. Therefore, the Pope appeals: “Do not waste your youth. Do not seek to escape from it. Live it intensely. Consecrate it to the high ideals of faith and human solidarity.”
Jude Chinwenwa Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
21/05/07 (This is a summary of the address Benedict XVI gave on 10/05/07 in Brazil)