Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Heart, the Secret Place of God

                                                                                                Wednesday 18 June 2014.
(1kg 2:1.6-14, Ps 31 Mat 6:1-6, 16-18)

...Let me inherit a double of your spirit
The first reading of today narrates Elijah’s ascension to heaven by a whirlwind. Before he was taken up, Elijah told Elisha his servant to; ‘ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you. The young Prophet replied, ‘I beg you, let me inherit a double share of your spirit.

 Seeing the great works of his master, Elisha desired a double of his power. And his heart desire was granted. Returning with a relaxed mood of accomplishment, he got to the river Jordan and struck it with the cloak saying, ‘where is the Lord, the God of Elijah? The water parted and Elisha crossed over.

In the Gospel Jesus warns against the outward show of piety. This makes religious exercise an end in itself and of course, its own reward. He talks about the secret place where we encounter the God who sees in secret and who rewards us. ‘But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
 ...Your Father who sees in Secret will reward you.
Such a piety, which is in touch with God who is in secret and sees in secret, must flow from the secret place where God dwellsthe heart. Thus, the heart, the secret place of piety must be made available for God through desire. Like Elisha, we should desire a double of the spirit of Elijah. By desire, the heart is inclined to God, ready to welcome Him and also allow Him to see through it.

Nevertheless, our desires can be multifaceted. Hence, it becomes necessary that we shut doors of our hearts, blocking off ungodly desires and distracting inclinations, which tend to pull us out the secret place of God and make our piety a public show. But is it really possible that we desire only God and nothing more?

Following the footsteps of Elisha, we shall come to understand that desiring a double of Elijah’s spirit implies that that desire is greater than any other. Though we may be tossed by other desires, we cannot place them side by side with the desire for God as if they are equals. A double share implies it is the desire that consumes our whole heart. And God grants it immediately.

Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, who pondered over the word of God in her heart, reflecting and interacting with the word of God in our hearts draws us deeper into the secret dwelling placeour inner heartwhere God sees and hears us.

Fr Jude Chinwe Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
Mother of Perpetual Help Shrine,
Ugwogo-Nike, Enugu,