(Reflection for
Wednesday, 17th week in Ordinary)
My Treasure, My Joy!
The kingdom of Heaven is a treasure: This means we must value it,
and take pleasure in searching for it. But because it is HIDDEN, we must search
for it. It is only those who search that can find it. Actually, this is what
the human heart is yearning for. But often times, we direct the energies of our
heart to worldly treasures that cannot satisfy it.
Which a man found and covered up: Because it is valuable, it must
be protected. Like any other treasure, if we do not guide it, we may lose it.
The life of righteousness—the life of the Kingdom—must be assiduously guided.
In guarding this treasure, we equally guard the joy that comes from being in
contact with it.
In his joy he goes and sells all that he has...! Yes, the joy of
the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10 ). The joy of heavenly treasure
surpasses all others. It may not be easy given up old stocks, but fresh breath
of the Kingdom smoothens the sacrifice. The given up of other treasures comes,
not as a punishment, but as part of the ingredients of the joy the man had in
his process of possessing the Kingdom. The fact that he is able to sell off his
old stock joyfully to acquire the greatest treasure increases his joy for the
heavenly treasure. In other words, any sacrifice made for the Kingdom increases
the joy of the Kingdom and helps to sustain it.
...And buys the field. He makes it his own possession. We are not
called as tenants in the Kingdom, we are co-heirs with Jesus. We are adopted Sons
(Rm 8:17). We must relate to the affairs of the Kingdom of God as our own
personal possession. It is within this personal commitment that we begin to
savour the sweetness of ecclesiastical communion.
Reflecting still, we see in Jesus
one who, in a way, sold off His glory
in order to purchase us (cf. Phil 2:7). Seeing the potential in us as inherent
images of God, though marred by sin, He left His heavenly glory, gave away His
life and purchased us at the price of His own blood. ‘‘You have been bought at a price’’ (ICor 6:20,
7:23). Therefore, we are precious in His sight, his own personal possession
(cf. Is 43:4, IPet 2:9).
Therefore, the parable of the
hidden treasure, inspires all those who have found Jesus, their hidden
treasure, to sacrifice worldly treasures in order to possess the Lord who has
possessed us; to own the One who owns us. In this way, our joy will be secure.
Fr Jude Chinwe Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
National Shrine of Our Mother Perpetual Help,
Ugwogo-Nike, Enugu, Nigeria.
Wednesday , 30 August, 2014.
Fr Jude Chinwe Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
National Shrine of Our Mother Perpetual Help,
Ugwogo-Nike, Enugu, Nigeria.
Wednesday , 30 August, 2014.