But prior to this upward desire for God and his perfect peace, this man encountered within him a downward experience of emptiness, incompleteness, an unsatisfied hunger, which propelled him to seek direction from Jesus. Interestingly, he recognized Jesus as the one who has solution to his problem—the way, the truth and the life. He saw in Jesus the one through whom his heart desires can be satisfied. Jesus, the Good Master, is the one through whom the deep yearnings of his heart can be quenched.
If one misses his way and seeks direction, he rejoices when he finds it. If I have difficulty with a mathematical problem, I rejoice when I discover the solution. In the case of this young man, he was in search of the direction to heaven, but when Jesus pointed it out to him, instead of rejoicing at finding his way, he went away sad… Why?
While he was sincerely searching for the heavenly treasure, unknowingly to him, his heart was secretly attached to another treasure—the earthly wealth. Now, the inordinate desires of his heart has encountered the true longings of his life—the reason for his existence. This encounter compels him to a radical decision. The fact that he had to shed off all else in other to attain the true longings of his heart made him sad. And he preferred his earthly treasure to the heavenly peace. This decision removed him from the happiness he was searching for.
Every now and then, we find ourselves at this place of radical encounter as we strive to satisfy our heart desires. It is a point when our inclination to earthly treasure encounters the deep seated longing for perfect peace. Prior to this encounter, our choice for heaven is covered under the shadow of self-righteousness. The inordinate inclinations of the heart remain hidden. And they sometimes manifest in a self-ordained piety. But when we approach Christ like the man in the gospel of today, His radiant light reveals how far away we are from perfect peace. We begin to see those secret attachments of our heart. At the same time, the way to true treasure—‘what I must do to attain Heaven’—is revealed to me.
This twofold manifestation of our desires, revealed by Christ the Light of the world, compels one to make a choice. However, while one is free to ‘walk away sad’ or ‘enter into peace’, this encounter with Christ immediately graces him to choose Heaven.
Jude C. Nwachukwu, C.Ss.R
(Reflection given on 18/8/08 at Archangels’ Parish, Satelite Towna, Lagos)