Two years ago, just like two days ago, Pa Celestine Obichere Nwachukwu entered into the silence of death. Last Good Friday, 6th April, 2007 marked this unforgettable day in my life. As I reflected on the passion of Christ that day, I couldn't but recalled this day two years ago.
As Christ hung on the cross, his silence cried for 3 hrs. He accepted death. Our Lord Jesus entered into the silence of death. But the tomb could not hold him. Three days later he rose from the dead. Oh! Death, the greatest enemy of man, the one who snatched my beloved Dad away from me, has been defeated. All those who henceforth cling to Christ in faith shall equally triumph over death.
Once my Dad told me that one of his greatest happiness is that he had never put his trust in any other god or sought their help or protection--that his faith had always been rooted in Christ. It is worth emulating that despite trials and all sorts of hardships, Pa Celestine remained firm in Christ. So, I'm rest assured that he will share in the glory of Christ's resurrection since he clung to him in faith.
Christ's sound of silence on the Cross has shattered the scaring silence of the grave! Death where is your sting?
We must never forget that the virtues we accumulate today live after us...